Ghent University Campus Proeftuin (formerly INW), Building N3
Our offices are located on the first floor.

Postal address: Proeftuinstraat 86, 9000 Gent, Belgium
Coordinates: 51.02396, 3.74076
Google maps link: https://goo.gl/maps/Xy5Y1u8zpkpBL7LZ6
By public transport
Bus stop: Gent Proeftuinstraat
We are connected by bus to the city centre and to the Gent St Pieters railway station:
- From Gent St Pieters railway station: Take bus 19 towards Arteveldepark; every 20 minutes on weekdays, usually departs from bus platform 11.
Tickets can be bought online (on the DeLijn website), at the train station, and also on the bus (with a debit card). A 10-ride DeLijn card may turn out to be cheaper than individual tickets, particularly if you are travelling in a small group — the same card may be tapped multiple times to include multiple people in the journey.